Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Back To School For Me...

WOW. This last week has been insane. Last weekend was CIY Believe; this is a conference for just junior high students. It was Hope International University in Fullerton and there were about 750 junior high students there. Needless to say it was just all out crazy. There were endless amounts of the game Ninja, Jousting, and Ptyeridackl. It was a blast. We went through the book of Esther and it was pretty amazing. We had a blast with our junior highers and it was a great time just to get to hang out with them on a smaller level compared to our Wednesday nights, which has around 350 students (Praise God!). I know for sure I must be getting to that stage were I say, “Man, I really am getting old” because I am about to say it. “Man, I am getting old.” I am still beat from almost no sleep and constant energy from the 7th-8th grade population. I am recovering.

During CIY, there was a question that was asked that got me thinking. What is your “here” moment with God? Where are you with Him? During the end of the conference, it shows that this is the NOW moment, that we have right now to act for God, to step out for Him. I find it funny that I, an adult, learned something huge from a junior high conference, designed especially for junior highers. Maybe that just says something about my mind, I don’t know. Ill just leave it at that.

One of my spiritual gifts is “learning”. I know, I was shocked too when I found this out because in high school I despised school. Turns out, while at APU, I ate it up. I fell in love with all of my classes. I used to hate reading. Now I cannot get enough. I have been going through a book a month. Its great. With that said, I have felt God’s undeniable urge for me to go back to school and get my Masters. Crazy I know. I told myself from the very beginning that I would do a couple of years of full time ministry before going back to school, but that is not the case now.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is James 4:17 which states, “If you know what you ought to do, and do not do it, then it is a sin.” I look at that and I cringe because I know exactly what I need to do. I have felt the urge and I need to act on it.

So I have applied for APU’s Graduate School of Theology. I found out that there is a scholarship in which they give a full ride to people who want to pursue full time ministry. I am applying for that as well, which would be great. I have been thinking a lot about this, and I have decided that even if I do not get this scholarship, I am still going to pursue school and get my M. Div. I will have to take out a loan, but I fell like its something that God has placed on my heart for a reason. So I am going to be obedient and follow and pray for the guidance for whatever may happen with this scholarship and going back to school.

If you can be in prayer for that as well I would greatly appreciate it.

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