Monday, January 4, 2010

thankful for the unthanked

so i was reading through Matthew 6 and i thought this jumped out at me... (click here to read it)

Jesus is telling us that we shouldnt worry about clothes. because our body is more important than clothes. so we should be worried about our body rather than worry about what clothes we "have" to get because its the next big thing. which i understand. i agree.

but he also says dont worry about food or drink. ummm...... hello. i live for food. food is my weakness. but looking at this. Jesus is telling us that we should not worry about if we are going to eat tomorrow. and to be honest, a lot of us in this country do not have to worry about that. Jesus says that the Father knows we need food and drink to survive, and clothes to keep warm and dry, but if we seek His kingdom first, and his righteousness first, then all of those things will be provided for us.

but how many times do we know that we will have food tomorrow, we know we will have something to drink tomorrow, and know that we will have a fresh and clean pair of clothes tomorrow, and not even think or thank God for providing us with it? it is just another brush aside because its so routine for us to eat good food, drink clean water, and wear clean clothes.

i am pretty sure Jesus is talking to the poorer people of that time, and he is telling them that he knows that they might not know where there next meal comes from, or if they will be able to get water, or if they will have clothes tomorrow, but if they seek God first it will be provided.

what does that say about us who dont even acknowledge God for having a fridge full of food or a closet full of clothes? it seems sort of backwards.

i am guilty of this.

i guess the challenge would be, thank God for the little things, for the everyday miracles that he does that we seem to overlook. its God, nothing He does should ever be overlooked because He does everything out of the fullness of His love for us. because if He wanted to, he can take it all away in a second. we need to be thankful for the things that go thanked.

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