Monday, January 10, 2011

One Word Resolution

One of my good friends, and a man that I look up to greatly in ministry is Mike Vander Dussen. He just recently moved up north to be an executive pastor at a church up there. He started a blog in which I started to read. He just wrote one that I loved. You can read it HERE, but in summary, he says that instead of having a whole list of New Year’s resolutions, which we wont get anywhere near to being done, we should have a New Year’s Word that we base the whole year around. The idea in this is that is we focus on one word; we are more inclined to do everything around that one word rather than a whole list. For example, Mike says, “Maybe you’re struggling with your weight, well instead of resolving to eat better, your One Word may be ‘Healthy’. Therefore instead of just changing your eating habits, you focus on everything that makes your life healthy and just maybe for the first time you actually achieve the weight that you have always wanted.”

Such a simple idea and I think it can actually work. My word for 2011 is going to be “Boldness”. I want to be able to speak as bold as Paul did in the New Testament. It didn’t matter who was listening or where he was, he spoke the love of God no matter what. I want to be more like that. I want to start conversations with strangers and end up talking about God. I want to have the tough conversations with my family who does not know the Lord but I have just been too nervous to strike up conversation with them about Him.

See, I don't want it only in church related topics. I want to make it a goal to be bold in life. When it comes to making decisions. When it comes to going places. Just in every aspect. I going to work hard on this, and I am excited to see where it will lead.

Today will be a good first test as I go out and ask strangers to answer some questions for a video we are doing for Shift Students tomorrow night.

I hope to keep myself accountable and I hope that those that read this help me keep accountable to this as well.

It’s been a while since I have done this, but I am going to start again:

Random Fact: A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in its lifetime.

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