Sunday, April 4, 2010

On a Serious Note....

I am sitting here in my office ( area) between the Easter services, waiting for the last service of the day. it has been amazing so far.

Our senior pastor Jeff Vines said something really cool today. he said that he has been assuming that everyone who comes to church on this day knows what the story of Easter is. just like how we always fall into the trend that the 4th of July is all about fireworks, BBQ, and fun in the sun when it truly is the day in which we remember as Americans that the Declaration of Independence was signed and it marked a huge day that changed the world.

same thing goes for today, Easter. we tend to always fall into the mind set that it is a day where we get together with family, hide eggs with candy, and eating. i am all for that. i love all those things. but we HAVE to not let that get in the way for the real reason we celebrate today. Today is the day in history where death died. death lost its power. today is the day where Jesus rose from the grave after dying a criminals death on the cross. and he did this for the forgiveness of all our sins. he took on that burden. he conquered death FOR US.

we need to remember the real reason we celebrate today and not have it be just a thought in the back of our head as we go about our day. today is the day that changed the world, that changes any life who believes that Christ Jesus rose from the grave after being crucified for our sins.

if you want to go back and look at this amazing story click HERE. remember it like it is supposed to be remembered.

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