Thursday, March 11, 2010


today, i was driving to the church offices and for some reason i did not have music playing. which, if you know me, that is really, really weird because music is such a huge part of my life. i was about to turn on my ipod, but i didn't, i pulled back. i couldn't remember the last time that i was in complete silence, completely alone. to be honest, it was kind of refreshing. so i drove the entire way with no music on.

i really got to reflect on last night at CCV during SHIFTstudents, how amazing it really was. Jeremiah Mullins lead in worship and filmed a live DVD that night. we had so many students and supporters of Jeremiah there, it was the biggest attendance we have had on a Wednesday night. the energy was amazing. Jeff Snodgrass preached about the overwhelming power of the cross, and a student and his mom were baptized during the service! that's amazing! we had so many people come forward for decisions and counseling. God was definitely moving in the room last night.

i never would have realized to the full extent if i didn't just stop and listen and reflect.

Psalm 46:10 says "Be still and know that I am God." i think we forget to do that most of the time!

during that time in silence in the car, i realized how busy we get, and feel that we think that we NEED to be busy in order to show others, and ourselves, that we are being productive in our lives. BUSY = BETTER. i think spiritually, we HAVE to step back and realize who it is that we are serving, who it is that is loving us to the point of death, and who it is that has done everything for you. i really think that we forget that sometimes because our lives are so jam packed with activities. (if we make bunk beds, there will be so much more room for activities...Step-Brothers anyone?).

even Jesus did this. he withdrew from everyone and went to a solitary place to spend time with His Father (Luke 4:42) also again in Luke 22:41 when he goes out to pray before he gets arrested. if Jesus does this, we need to do this. if it's important to Jesus, it's important to me. ill be the first to admit, I'm really bad at it right now, but its something i want to work on.

Random fact: The space above & between your eyebrows is called the Glabella

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