Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Just a quick thought:

I'm all about awkward moments. i think i put people in awkward situations all the time because i absolutely love it. a lot of people hate it and they do whatever it takes to avoid those certain circumstances. i would have to say that students are the ones who hate it the most. they are all about image and do not want to be embarrassed. but again, one of my favorite things is to call out students. its just fun to me.

but i was thinking, why do we avoid awkward situations? especially in church. isn't it sometimes an awkward feeling when you are the only ones raising your hands to worship? don't you sometimes feel awkward when you want to bow down and pray in a room where everyone is standing? don't sometimes just being a Christian awkward in just living life in this secular world? or even in a tough conversation we can feel this way? we avoid it because we feel embarrassed because we are uncomfortable.

these things have to do with a degree of awkwardness. but the thing is, these things lead to a spiritual breakthrough. it will help us grow. we should be at a place where we want to look awkward. we should want to feel awkward. we should not be worried about the person next to you.

we should embrace the awkwardness, and push through it. those situations will help you grow in more ways than non-awkward feeling.

random fact: If you look at the sun RIGHT NOW, you are technically looking back in time. It takes 8 minutes for light from the sun to reach Earth.

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