Monday, March 14, 2011

Creative People Are Creative

It’s that simple. Creative people are creative. Someone who is always having great ideas, someone who is coming up with new ideas or someone who sees things in ways that others do not, is a creative person. Now I want to make clear I am talking about creative in the sense that our culture deems people creative. In that we can have ideas that are visually or audibly entertaining to the eye or ear. Here is the thing with that. Not everyone is creative.

Last night during our Sunday night service here at CCV, someone said something that was funny but true. He said, “God made some of us creative and some of us not at all. Thank God for that.” I laughed but it has somewhat of truth in it.

Some people are naturally creative, some people are not. Know which one you are. Know your limits. If being creative is your thing, take reigns on that, own it, develop that. If you are not, then you cant force it.

The most important thing is to know who you are. In the offices here, Jeff, JP, and I have been talking about how people fall into 3 categories (Jeff will be blogging about this idea in more detail on his blog. Click HERE to check his out)People usually fall into 3 different categories: Designer, Developer and Sustainer. Designers are the creative principles. They have all of the new ideas, they know what will draw people, and what needs to come together to make things look pleasing to the eye, they think creatively. Developers are the ones who plan out and get the idea into works. They are the ones who take the ideas and make them come to life. Sustainers are the ones who when the idea is thought of and the idea is carried out, they are able to keep that idea and plan of operation running. They keep it going. All of these are extremely important to have to run a successful organization. You just need to know which one you are.

With that said, you might not be creative in the way that society deems people creative. Creative is our society means that you can paint, play a guitar and write a song, or make videos etc. I think there is some sort of creative ability in those who are more of a Developer or a Sustainer. You can come up with creative ways in order to develop a plan to execute the creative idea or you can creatively think of a way to sustain an idea. That just takes another way to be creative. God is the creator of all creations. He has many different ways in which He is creative and I believe He passes that to us in our abilities.

A lot of creative people (culture’s idea of creative) just have the designer quality. They do not always know the best ways to carry out their ideas because how they are thinking about it in their own head is not physically possible to execute in real life.

You can’t force being creative. Creative people are creative. The important thing is to figure out which one you are and then develop that.

If you happen to be that creative person, please realize that you cannot be successful in carrying out your visions if you don’t have a Developer and a Sustainer because chances are you are not good in all of those areas. If you want to be a great creator you need to surround yourself with a great team with all of the different types of people.

The team here at Shift Students is unbelievable. When I come up with things, we are able to come together and come up with who, what, how and when we need things to make the idea come to life. I am blessed to be working with very differently talented people than myself.

In closing, only creative people are creative. You can’t force it. Know your talent.

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