so last night was our family Thanksgiving dinner. it was awesome. i love my family. we set up a huge long table that all 20 of us could sit at and there was candles and decorations and there was a ton of food. its funny cause whenever i tell people we dont have a traditional thanksgiving dinner and tell them that we have a German thanksgiving, they always respond the same way, "when and where is this?" people seem to be tired of turkey lol, although i love turkey and gravy, but we have cheese noodles, red cabage, german potato salad, and roladen. its amazing.
tonight i am going to kristins family's house for dinner, and they are having a non-traditional thanksgiving as well. they are full blooded Italians so they do their won version too. i love it.
tonight after that we are headed up to gree valey lake for the weekend with my family, who left this morning. we go up there every thanksgiving and fish and have our own family thanksgiving dinner up there. there we will be having turkey. kristin is coming with me, my sister has a friend up there too, and my brother and his finace are coming up tomorrow.

Green valley lake is small but its sooo pretty up there. it might even snow tomorrow night which would be amazing.
i have been very thankful for this time off this last week. i have had no school or work since tuesday and i dont go back till monday. i got to go to The Chariot and the Norma Jean show and Knott's. i am very thankful for this time off, and it has been much needed. i feel like i have been going crazy with work. but its a good crazy because i really enjoy it, but come on, everyone needs a break sometimes.
i am very thankful for a lot of things. since this time off i have been thinking a lot. its crazy to me that we have so much, and a lot of people around the rest of the world have so little. Jp, one of the student ministries pastors at CCV, asked a really good question last sunday regarding being thankful. it got me thinking. if you really think about it, if you live in America, you are automatically in the top 10% of the wealthiest people in the world. that is crazy, and how many times do we take for granted all the things we have such as food to eat and a bed to sleep in. or even just family and the people who love you. i am thankful for a lot of things. i have so much. and to be honest i dont deserve any of it.
my prayer is for all of us to really look at what we have, and ask ourselves, "do we really take enough time out of our day to praise God for the things and family he has placed us with?"
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