This weekend was awesome. After Thanksgiving with dinner with Kristin's family, we headed up to Green Valley Lake. there was absolutely no snow. we were not expected to have snow, the forecast said "snow flurries." it ended up being the first big snow fall of the season up there. it snowed over a foot. it was amazing. we had another Thanksgiving dinner up there, and played in the snow. we fished in the snow, we didnt catch anything though, but as soon as we left on Sunday my dad caught 3. dumb. but it was such a good break. it was beautiful up there, all white and junk.

while i was up there, i got to read and do some quiet time up there. i continued my reading of "
Un Christian" by David
Kinnaman. i was reading the chapter on how Christians get such a bad wrap on the subject of homosexuality. i agree that people are messed up on this situation. i like how he said that in the eyes of the Bible, homosexuality is a for sure sin. there is no doubt about that. but it is how we, Christians, deal with the people who struggle with homosexuality is wrong. it is a sin, but so is lying, or gossip. no one makes a big deal when it comes to those things, because all sin is equal in the eyes of the LORD, but why is it that when we bring up the idea of homosexuality, it is so blown up and put on this
pedestool? i think we need to look at the clique "hate the sin, not the sinner" and
truly put it into practice. i think if we were to do this, the gay community would come to know the relationship Jesus wants with them, rather than run away and cower when they find out that you are a Christian.
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