Wednesday, December 30, 2009
There is a line in there that caught my attention. The football coach is trying to get Michael into the school for sports but he is poor and has no family and would not fit in with the rest of the school. The board is debating to let him in.
The coach looks at the wall and points to the school crest which says "Christian" on it and says this:
"look at that. That says Christian. We either take that serious it we paint over it".
That got me thinking. How many times do we not take our Christian title seriously? How many times do we just paint over the fact that we are followers of Christ because following Him is inconvient at the time?
I admit I still struggle with this sometimes. And after I look at what I did and say, "I'm an idiot why would I do that?"
I think we need to keep this in our mind.
If we are Christian we need to take it seriously and devote our lives fully for the cause of Christ or we just need to paint over it and stop declaring something we are not.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Right Idea
Nahum 1:7
Wow. What a verse to come across today. Honestly. It's been a trying 72 hours, physically and emotionally. The thing that stuck out to me the most is when it says "he is close to those who trust in him". So I have to ask, what happens when we are not trusting in the Lord? I think sometimes when we are not trusting in troubling times and we forget that He is bigger than any problem that we can ever have, God looks down at us and says, "come on, what are you doing. Don't you know who am I am?"
The Lord is good and is my strong refuge. That is something I need to keep in my mind this week. With all that is happening And what is going this is so calming and comforting to me.
How many times do we forget that we have the strongest fortress in the universe behind us?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
After Satan sees this he goes back to God and says, that's nothing, anyone cN get through anything if nothing happens to them. Let me give him sores all over his body and surely he will curse you. God says ok just don't kill him.
Which by the way, it makes me wonder why God would tell Satan, ok go ahead and bring harm to him? I think the first time I heard this I wad thinking, what, no, god would never let anything bad happen right? I means that's what we are taught at least. It got me thinking, God was so proud of Job's faith, that he knew it would stand up through anything the devil threw at him.
So the question that needs to be asked is... Is my faith strong enough in God to take care if me that he would boast about me in heaven?
Also, during all this his friends come over and they start a lengthy conversation with him. But before that, they come and sit with him for seven days and nights, not saying a word, but just being with him. THAT'S AMAZING! I am honored to say I am sure I am have friends thAt would do the same for me as well.
Last thing, Job gets mad. If you read his questions to God and what he is saying, it is clear that he is very upset and asks some really difficult questions. I think thy is awesome. I think sometimes we forget that it is totally ok to vent to God, to let him know you're upset when something happens. Job does it and God dies not strike him dead. It's healthy! It shows that you have a real relationship with God, that you are open and comfortable with Him to ask those difficult questions.
We need not to forget that.
I am excited to keep reading through it though I tend to keep finding new things.
On another note, my Hebrew final today was way hard and I'm not too sure how I did on it. I got one more test and I'm so excited for this well needed three weeks off of school.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
finals week
Saturday, December 12, 2009
And we can’t make excuses any longer…we’ve got to be willing to do whatever it takes to reach these people and tell them about Jesus…
#1 – Read Luke 14:15-23 and Luke 15:1-10 and see how JESUS feels about people who are lost and far from Him!
#2 – Ask God WHO you need to BRING to church with you THIS MONTH!!! Seriously…ask Him to place someone (or multiple people) on your heart after reading the Scripture above. (We are going ALL OUT THIS SUNDAY to share the GOSPEL…you SERIOUSLY NEED to get people here!!!)
#3 – SEIZE the opportunities that God puts in front of you! Read Isaiah 40:6-8, we have a limited time on this big ball of dirt we call earth…and we have a direct command from our Savior to REACH the world for Him (Matthew 28:18-20)…the WORLD begins with those who God has placed right in front of us…so let’s go for it!!!"
i really think this is important. think about what you can do for someone's life, for someone's eternity, if you were to show them who God is and His love for them.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
- i am tired
- i have a lot to do
- i am mentally drained from writing countless pages of essays
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
SHIFT Wed. 12/2
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 attitude
Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Talky Talky Talk Talk
Dont really know why...
- i am a broken person
- take what i say with a grain of salt, these are just my personal thoughts and rants or whatever. i am still a student, learning and reading more and more. anything that i write down is probably something i read, heard about, or learned about in my quiet times.
- i hope you enjoy my thoughts