this last week i got the opportunity to share and teach on a Wednesday night at SHIFT Students. i love it. it has been a while since the last time i got to speak on a Wednesday night and i was super pumped to be able to too. i truly feel that teaching is something that i am supposed to be doing, something that i feel that God has called me to do. i also feel that God calls all of us to learn. i always hear, "the moment you stop learning is the moment you stop teaching" and it really is a true statement. even though i got to teach this last Wednesday, i felt that i was taught a huge lesson...none other than by the students i was teaching too. let me explain...
since it was the day before thanksgiving, i taught on how we NEED to be thankful for everything, the good and the bad in our lives and that it is super easy to be thankful to God for all of the great things He has provided us. but true thanksgiving comes when we are thankful to God for the difficult areas in our lives because its during those times in which we are more like Jesus and closer to Him then ever, and we should be truly thankful for those situations because of our closeness with Him in those times.
after i was done, there were different stationed set up around the room, all having to do with giving true thanksgiving to God. i was blown away be the students responses. one of the stations was a prayer wall, and some of the prayers brought me to tears.
i wanted to be more like these students. i prayed then and there that i can learn from these students and be truly thankful to God for the things in my life i see no good because these students were giving up everything to Him. they were going through difficult times, more difficult times than i have gone through and i am twice as old as them. i was humbled by the way God worked through these students to teach me, who was the teacher for that night.
i was humbled. i want to learn from them. here are some of these prayers:
- Thank you for my depression because without it I wouldn’t have gotten as close to you as I am now.
- God, I pray for the trials you are putting me through. I am dealing with depression but I am happy because I know that it will only make me stronger. Thank you for your love and thank you for giving your son to die on the cross for me.
- Thank you for guiding me by testing my faith in you and showing me that I need to be more in you. I love you with all of my heart, soul, and mind.
- Dear God I know all this pain and suffering with family will make me a better person and I am thankful for that person I will become and the people you put in my life.
- Lord, I can’t even express the thankfulness my heart wants to express to you. You are bigger then any worry I will ever face. You are the resolution to any problem I will face. Thank you for all the difficult times in them my faith will be strengthened.
-Amen Dear Jesus, I know that I have struggles and although they hurt and I don’t always know the best way to handle them, I thank you because these struggles make me a stronger person, a stronger believer, and a stronger follower of Christ. I promise to always follow you in the good times and the bad.

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